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If hypomenorrhea is caused by a nervous shock, sedatives are prescribed. It is recommended to normalize sleep, to be more in the fresh air. Eliminate irritants. Hypomenorrhea associated with overweight or underweight is treated with proper nutrition. Hormonal failure due to diseases of the endocrine system requires long-term treatment.treatment with hormonal drugs. The same treatment is prescribed after taking contraceptives and a long cycle disorder. Treatment of hypomenorrhea can be carried out within a month or a whole year. In any case, the situation should not be ignored.
Hypomenorrhea is a disorder of the menstrual cycle in which there is a sharp decrease in the amount of menstrual blood loss. All sorts of deviations of the normal menstrual cycle prevail (up to 80%) among the complaints of patients who go to the doctor, but serious pathological causes during the examination are detected only in a third of them. Often, changes in the usual menstrual cycle are due to completely harmless reasons and do not require medical intervention.
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There are a large number of terms for certain types of menstrual dysfunction, sometimes they have synonyms. Therefore, it can be difficult for patients to independently understand this diagnostic diversity, which can simply be confusing. In addition, menstrual disorders have one popular feature - they are combined with each other and rarely occur in an isolated form. Hypomenorrhea is no exception. Actually hypomenorrhea is characterized by a decrease in menstrual blood loss (less than 50 ml). However, it is often accompanied by other disorders.
Hypomenorrhea, like other menstrual disorders, is not actually a disease, it is only one of the symptoms that may accompany gynecological pathology or reflect temporary physiological abnormalities. In order not to get confused in the variety of medical terms, women do not need to understand them at all. It is enough to have a competent understanding of the physiological menstrual cycle and understand what deviations should be alarming.
Volume of menstrual blood loss. The amount of blood lost during menstruation is difficult to measure. A volume of 40-150 ml is taken as the physiological norm. It is believed that conditionally it can be measured by the number of sanitary pads replaced per day. if it does not exceed four, blood loss correlates with the established norm. It should be noted that this method implies the correct use of hygiene products, that is, when the pads are not changed too often, before they get wet, or too rarely, when the blood stops being absorbed and stains linen and clothes.
Duration of menstrual bleeding. As a rule, in healthy women, menstruation lasts from four to seven days. The presence of unusual impurities or inclusions in menstrual blood. The presence of large blood clots, pus, or mucus should be alarming. Isolated hypomenorrhea is characterized by a change in only one criterion - menstrual blood loss. If there are other disorders, the diagnosis may be formulated differently.
When hypomenorrhea appears due to physiological reasons, it is episodic and does not require serious examination and treatment. If the menstrual cycle does not return to its previous norm after 2-3 months, you should consult a specialist, and if hypomenorrhea is accompanied by intense pain, a significant rise in temperature, weakness and / or other atypical manifestations, this should be done immediately.
A personal note,
Diagnosis of hypomenorrhea begins with a study of complaints and a gynecological examination, and subsequent diagnostic measures depend on the accompanying symptoms. More often it is necessary to exclude the inflammatory or hormonal nature of hypomenorrhea.